Africa, a famous tourist destination for wildlife where no other place on earth has such a diversified wildlife is being threatened by poaching, the main species under threat being rhinos and elephants. People came in large numbers and they enjoyed watching this big animals walking majestically in their natural habitat as if they owned it. That was then, but what about now?
The worst way to die is one minute you are happily eating fresh green grass and the next you are being shot or hacked to death! Hopefully you can’t see what is happening, then the lights go out, your suffering ends……Poaching is never pretty or humane. Your horn and tusks get hacked off just because some people want it on their neck or as a trophy on their shelves.
The activities of the human race have sad and disheartening consequences on the environment and as if destroying the natural homes of animals through our constant tree felling and forest burning is not enough, we have evolved to killing these animals and what’s even worse is the fact that we do not realize it. We go around calling animals predators when we are the real predators, preying on the helpless in our environment.
According to the reports in 2012, 668 rhinos were poached in South Africa and now in 2013 two elephants are killed every week in Kenya yet we are just in the fourth month of the year. What will happen by the time the year is almost ending? Many countries believe that the rhino horn is an important ingredient for many medicines. This is false. Rhino horn has the same medicinal effect as chewing on your fingernails aka none.
Sadly, poaching has greatly reduced the number of tourists in our country, Kenya and Africa as a whole because there is very little to see. There is no richness and pride in our wildlife anymore. We are slowly diminishing to zero. Is this what we really want?
We, the Silverbird Travel Plus family urge every citizen to start becoming environmental conscious and being a brother’s keeper. It is the high time we start being more responsible and saving our wildlife because it is the right thing to do. Let’s join hands in maintaining our pride by abolishing poaching once and for all.
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